Latest news from WhatsApp: video calls and voicemail will soon be available?

voicemail and video callsWhatsApp, our beloved multi-platform mobile messaging app, really knows how to please (and amaze) its many users. So, no wonder if the success of this popular instant messaging app is constantly growing, and now the app has reached the incredible goal of 1 billion monthly active users.

Think about all the improvements that have been added just during the last year. First of all the $0.99 subscription fee has been definitively cancelled. Then the addition of many useful features such as the voice-calling, the new formatting tools or the file sharing option, just to mention a few of them. And what about the end-to-end encryption option? This latest (and debated) feature was strongly supported by the founders of WhatsApp, Brian Acton and Jan Koum, to secure the privacy of WhatsApp users.

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Recently there are unrelenting rumours about the addition of the video calls feature, and this time they seem to be more and more close to reality. There is also something more that could be the turning point for the Facebook-owned app: the addition of voicemail and call back option! According to PhoneRadar, it seems that these new features will be added soon, along with the ability to send Zip files. Thanks to the Call Back feature, users will be able to return calls without even opening WhatsApp. As for the voicemail feature, that it seems will be added at first on iOS devices, it will have two different buttons: ‘Record Voice Mail‘ and ‘Send Voice Mail‘. Both the features will be shown during your call.

And that’s not all, because the founders of WhatsApp have great projects in mind. In fact, according to Jan Koum (WhatsApp CEO) “Starting this year, we will test tools that allow you to use WhatsApp to communicate with businesses and organisations that you want to hear from,” adding “We all get these messages elsewhere today – through text messages and phone calls – so we want to test new tools to make this easier to do on WhatsApp, while still giving you an experience without third-party ads and spam.”