Whatsapp for NOKIA e63, e71 and e72

Nokia phones usually come with Symbian, S40, S60, Windows RT, Windows phone, and Android OS. The company entered into the smartphone segment by launching several phones with Windows RT, Symbian, S60, and S40 OS. After that, Nokia began to offer Windows-based phones and competed with iPhone, and other android smartphones.
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If you need to install Whatsapp on your e63, e71, e72 or any other NOKIA smartphone with Symbian OS please click here and read this page carefully. whatsapp for e63Or if you need just some basic information about Whatsapp an Nokia smartphone models e63, e71, and e72 please carry on reading this page. Recently, the company started offering phones running on android platform. For Nokia Symbian phones like e63, e71, and e72, Whatsapp is a great software program for messaging and chatting. It helps the users to stay in-touch with their relatives and friends. The Whatsapp software is created for different models of Nokia phones. Whatsapp for the Nokia phones can be downloaded in different formats like sis, apk, xap, and jar files. To install Whatsapp in Nokia e63, e 71, e72, or other Symbian S60 phones, please visit this page.

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Since Whatsapp is a messenger program, the app remains online constantly to check and retrieve new messages. An annoying aspect about this, is that it runs in the background even when the user isn’t utilizing it. The messenger can’t be exited via the options and can’t be closed through the task manager. With the help of another application named WhatsApp modifier, the users can completely close the messenger in the background and hence prevent it from eating up battery and valuable RAM.

NOKIA e63 photo

Nokia users can also chat with their friends or other people just by creating contacts or directly inputting their phone numbers in Whatsapp. The messenger is free for the first year. However if the users owns a Nokia e63, e71, e72, or other S60 models, then they must download the “.sis” file and install Whatsapp through the Nokia PC Suite. The installation process takes some time to complete because it looks for all the contacts registered in the user’s phonebook before checking if the contacts are already using the Whatsapp messenger.

Using Password: The application can also be restricted on your Nokia from auto-connecting to internet with this simple strategy. The active access setting can be password protected by first clicking on the “Home button”, then from settings select “connectivity”, choosing “select the active internet access” and setting a “password”. Whenever the messenger (Whatsapp) will try to establish a connection on your Nokia, it will prompt for the password that you’ve just set. If you ignore the request, then the application will be restricted from accessing the phone’s mobile data automatically.

Using Anti-virus/ a firewall on your Nokia: This is an ideal strategy to use because it guarantees the zero data consumption and a better lasting battery life. Mobile security apps and firewalls are very handy for the Symbian phones like e63, e71, and e72 since allow the users to control any App (not only Whatsapp!) from running in the background.

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