You’ll be happy to know that finally WhatsApp released an updated version for Android devices which can be enjoyed by everyone because it’s already available on the Google Play Store. And that’s not all. This new stable version (yes, stable, not a Beta) confirms the introductions of several features tested with the previous betas. So, let’s see immediately what else you can do now with WhatsApp for Android.
Rich link previews
This fantastic option allows you to send links to your contacts with the preview of the URLs. Furthermore, you can give your link a title. Handy, isn’t it? Thanks to this feature the recipient will not have to open the link immediately (or every time) to know what this is about.
Starred Messages
Direct share on Marshmallow
First of all: this feature works only on Android 6.0 Marshmallow. This options allows you to share things in a much quicker way. How does it work? Suppose you are online and want to share something, a button will pop up and will let you share with the last people you talked to.
If for some reasons you don’t want to download this 2.12.367 version straight from the Google Play Store, you can always install the APK Mirror installation file from here: