An updated version of WhatsApp for Android devices is available: 2.16.117 Beta version has been released

android beta 2 16 117A new updated version of WhatsApp for Android devices has just been released. The new version number of this Beta is 2.16.117 and, as usual, comes with bug fixes and stability improvements. Unfortunately there are not any new features and even the video call option button has not yet been enabled. But it’s always important to keep your device updated because major updates might be added soon.

So, how can you download this latest 2.16.117 Beta version of WhatsApp for Android device? There are two ways, and they both are very simple. If you are already a beta tester, you can download this latest Beta of WhatsApp straight from the Google Play Store. If you are not yet a beta tester, you can always join the program by simply opening this page and tapping on the “BECOME A TESTER” button. If you are not a tester and you are not interested in the program, you can install this latest APK going to from here.

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If you are not yet a WhatsApper and you are still considering the pros and cons, we remind you some useful options that this multi-platform Faceboook-owned app can offer you:

  • No subscription fees: you just need an Internet Connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) and you will be able to send messages and call friends and family, so you don’t have to pay for every message or call.
  • You can send and receive photos, videos, documents, and Voice Messages.
  • You can call your friends and family for free with WhatsApp Calling, even if they’re in another country.
  • WhatsApp WEB: you will be able send and receive WhatsApp messages right from your computer’s browser.
  • To quickly get in touch with your contacts WhatsApp uses your address book, so you don’t need to add usernames.
  • The ability to share your location, exchange contacts, set custom wallpapers and notification sounds, email chat history, broadcast messages to multiple contacts at once.

And much more. So, are you ready to install WhatsApp on your device?